House in Adele

Περιοχή: Adele, Rethymno
Μελέτη: Manolitsi Georgia
Κατασκευή: 2018-19
Εμβαδόν: 250sq.m.

At the area of Adele, just outside of the city of Rethymno, the customer’s brief called for the design of a luxurious holiday residence with the capacity to accommodate over eight people so that it could potentially be used as touristic accommodation. The house has large openings and exterior spaces, due to its location and its orientation and taking into account that it will be mainly used during summer months. Based on the N-S axis the building has an unblocked panoramic view that ranges from the sea to the mountainous range of Rethymno.

The uses are distributed on the three levels of the building. At the ground floor are the common spaces as well as the kitchen, while in the two upper levels there are the